Pufflings Cowl

This cowl was incredibly quick to make! It’s made using beautifully soft chunky yarn, and it’s the perfect thing to make on a cosy evening. I’ve called it the Pufflings Cowl because while I was making it there was a programme about Puffins on TV; their babies are called ‘Pufflings’ which I thought was such a sweet word! And it seems like a good description of the raised, puffy stitches that are used in the design.

puffling cowl.JPG


Here’s how it’s made…

You will need:

  • 1 x 100g ball of chunky weight yarn for the main colour and a small amount for the edging (approx 30g). I used King Cole Comfort Chunky in  L’eau de nil (shade 423), and cream (shade 426) for the edging.
  • 6mm hook (or other size hook to match the suggested tension)
  • tapestry needle to weave in ends

Finished measurements:

approx 30cm wide x 16cm high


Using 6mm hook: x4 half shells x 6 rows = 10cm measured over half shell pattern.

This pattern is written in UK terms

stitches and abbreviations

dc = double crochet (this is the equivalent of a US single crochet)

tr = treble crochet (equivalent of a US double crochet)

sl-st = slip stitch

st/s – stitch / stitches

ch – chain


Start crocheting :-

The stitch pattern requires multiples of 3. With your edging colour (cream) chain 72 + 1 for turning = 73 in total. (If you wish to make wider cowl, add more multiples of 3.)

Row 1: dc in the 2nd chain from hook, then dc in every stitch along the chain (72 sts) Turn

Row 2: ch 1 (doesn’t count as a st here or throughout) 1 dc in every stitch. Change to the main colour at the end of the last st. (72 sts) Turn

Row 3: ch 1, [dc, 2tr] in first st, *miss 2 sts, [dc, 2 tr], repeat from * along the row until 2 sts remain, miss these sts and  work 1 dc into the chain 1 from the previous row. (= 24 half-shells + 1 dc) Turn

Row 4: ch 1, *[dc, 2tr], miss 2 sts,* repeat from * to *along the row, dc in the last st. (= 24 half shells + 1 dc) Turn.

Rows 5 – 14: repeat row 4. Change to the edging colour at the end of the final stitch on row 14 (if you want taller cowl, you could add some additional rows before the changing back to your edging colour) Fasten off main colour.

Row 15: (with cream) ch 1, dc in every stitch along. (72 sts). Turn

Row 16: Repeat row 15. Fasten off.

Making up

Slip stitch the two short sides together using matching coloured yarn. Weave in your ends and turn the cowl right side out.

Put on your lovely new cowl and enjoy its lovely, squishy cosiness!

pufflings cowl wearing it

If you make a cowl, I’d love to see! If you share your pic on Instagram please mention/ tag me @poppyseedandpom or use the hashtag #pufflingscowl   🙂

Happy crocheting!

Caroline x

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