Granny Square planter

DSCN4113Everyone loves a granny square, don’t they?! They’re so simple to do and quite therapeutic, I think. You can make them whilst watching TV and don’t have to think too much about the pattern and there’s an infinite number of colour combinations you can use. When I was looking at one of my square shaped plant pots one day I thought it would be the perfect item to adorn with some bright and cheerful granny squares, plus it would be a good way to use up some odds and ends of yarn.

I had bought a couple of the square planters from our local Dobbies Garden Centre. They had them in all different sizes, but the one I used for this project was approximately 9cm square. I had planted them up with some succulents which looked lovely but I thought a bit of added colour to the planter would make them even better.


Here’ s how to make one…

I used acrylic double knit yarn (the kind I used was Stylecraft Special DK) and a 4mm hook.

First I made a 4 round granny square


I changed colours for each round. There are a few different methods for granny squares, so you can use your preferred way.  There are some good tutorials on YouTube if you are unsure of how to make one. I have written out some instructions on how I made mine:

(stitches are in UK terms)

tr = treble crochet

ss = slip stitch

dc = double crochet

ch = chain

corner sequence = 3trs, ch2, 3trs.

To begin – Chain 4, join with a slip stitch to make a ring.

Round 1 Chain 3 (counts as a treble) Make 2 more trebles into the centre of the ring. Chain 2, make three more trebles into the ring, then ch 2, 3trs, ch2, 3trs, ch2. Join with a slip stitch to the ch 3 you made at the start of the round.

Round 2 Join a new colour in a ch2 corner space from round 1 ( to join the yarn: make a slip knot on your hook, insert hook in the ch space, yarn round hook, draw the the yarn through the loop on the hook. This makes a slip stitch that joins the yarn to the corner.)

Chain 3 (= 1st treble) Do 2 more trs in the same space, ch2 , 3trs. This makes a corner section. Move across to the next corner space and do another corner sequence (3tr, ch2, 3tr ) Repeat again for the last corner. Join with a ss to the ch3 that you made at the start of the round.

Round 3  Join a new colour in a corner space. Repeat the sequence from round 2, starting with a corner sequence in the ch2 space of round 2,  then do 3trs in the gap between the two groups of trebles on the side of the square. Continue round the square doing a corner sequence in each corner and a group of 3trs on the straight edges. When you’ve completed your last group of trebles, join to the top of the ch3 at the start of the round with a ss.

Round 4

Follow the same sequence as round 3, but there will be an extra group of 3 trs on each side of the square.

Fasten off and weave in you ends.

Make a border of dc stitches all the way round the square ( I used the same border colour for all four squares). To do this, attach your yarn to any treble crochet stitch on one of the sides of round 4. Then dc in every stitch around. In the corner spaces do (1dc, ch2, 1dc).

Join to the first dc with a ss. Weave in ends.


Repeat the steps so that you have four squares.


Join the squares together to make a  long strip. To do this take two squares and place them right sides together. Lining up the border stitches from both squares, crochet them together using dc stitches. DSCN4114

Repeat so you have a strip of 4 squares as below


With the right sides facing, dc together the first and last square so that all the squares join to make a circle.

DSCN4117Weave in all the ends and turn it  the right way round so that the front of your granny squares are facing outwards.

It should fit nicely on to your planter. Slide it into place so the squares line up with the sides of the pot. Ta-dah! Your lovely granny square planter cover is finished! I hope that you enjoyed this make 🙂  DSCN4120

The cover will also fit on to rounded planters/ plant pots, as long a you can find one that’s straight sided and not tapered. You may need to play around with the number of rounds of your squares to get the right fit for your planter.DSCN4121

If you have a go at making one, please tag in me in on Instagram @poppyseedsbeads so that I can see your version.

If you have any queries or you spot any errors in the tutorial, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me 🙂

Happy stitching!


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